Saturday, November 22, 2014


Joey, you all must have heard about about the show called  "FRIENDS"  if you haven't then you must live in a cave or under a rock ! Well in all seriousness you can check out my blog about Friends if you want to, down below in the beginning. Any way my point is JOEY is a spin off of the show Friends !
The show is about Joey moving to Los Angeles to peruse his acting career after all his friends go their separate ways in their lives, the whole show is about Joey trying to get an acting job's with the help of his agent (Bobby). When Joey moves to L.A his nerdy nephew (Michael) ask's if he could live with him to get away from his mother also Joey's older sister (Gina) because she was still smothering him even though he was like twenty-two.
The show started in 2004 and sadly ended in 2006. The show itself was great but we didn't get to see the real Joey's sense of humor, the show was funny but not Friends funny I mean it wasn't the show's fault no comedy show on earth is good as FRIENDS, I know what you guys are thinking that am I talking about JOEY or FRIENDS !
So after two unsuccessful season's the show was cancelled. But unsuccessful doesn't mean not good the show it self was great it was the audience they didn't receive due to which the show had to be cancelled.
But I hope you guys watch the show and those who were a huge fan of Joey in FRIENDS then this is the perfect show for you to watch have fun ! I myself finished watching the series yesterday'.


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